86, St James’s Street, Brighton, BN2 1TP

(01273) 698672 sales@floors.uk.net

Stains and spillages

The following cleaning procedures are for guidance only, Kemp Town Flooring Co. can not be held responsible for any permanent staining or damage to your carpet from DIY cleaning attempts.

We recommend that if in doubt then contact a Professional Cleaning organisation.

If a spillage occurs on your carpet, it is important to remove it is quickly as possible, so as to avoid permanent staining or damage to the carpet pile.
Listed below are some of the most common stains and spillages that occur within the home. To assist in the removal of the spillage first identify the spillage from the table below, then refer to the relevant procedure for treatment.

* Allow to dry, scrape up, then clean to reduce spreading.

We recommend that prior to attempting to clean any spillage the treatment and cleaning solutions are tried in a small area of carpet – inconspicuous within the installation.


A – Apply dry cleaning fluid, use dry towel/cloth. Blot, do not rub. Repeat with dry cleaning fluid application. Blot, do not rub. Dry with weighted pad of towels.
B – Scrape or blot up excess spill. Apply detergent solution (see ‘Cleaning Solutions’), use damp towel. Blot, do not rub. Apply water with damp towel. Blot – Dry with weighted pad of towels.
C – Scrape or blot up excess spill. Apply detergent (See ‘Cleaning Solutions’), use damp towel. Blot, do not rub. Apply ammonia (See ‘Cleaning Solutions’), use damp towel. Blot, do not rub. Apply water with damp towel. Blot – Dry with weighted pad of towels. Apply white vinegar (undiluted), only after stain is removed.
D – Scrape or blot up excess spill. Freeze with ice cubes. Shatter with blunt object such as the back of a spoon. Vacuum chips away before they melt.
E – Apply nail polish remover (non-oily acetone type) – use cotton towel to apply the spill. Do not wet through to carpet backing. Pick up softened material – use clean white paper towel and push towards the centre of the spot to avoid spreading the material. Repeat above – soften and carefully remove a layer of the material each time. Haste may spread the stain and/or damage the carpet.
F – Apply detergent solution (See ‘Cleaning Solutions’), use damp towel, leave 3-5 minutes. Blot, do not rub. If stain is removed, finish with a water rinse, blot, followed with a pad of weighted paper towels. If stain not removed continue as follows.
Apply hydrogen peroxide solution (See ‘Cleaning Solutions’), let stand 2 to 3 hours under a weighted sheet of plastic wrap. Repeat application of hydrogen peroxide and dry under weighted plastic wrap until removal is complete. Apply water with damp towel. Blot – Dry with weighted pad of paper towels. Apply white vinegar (undiluted), only after stain is removed.
G – Scrape off excess material. Cover with white cotton towel or brown paper. Apply warm iron until material is absorbed. Be sure towel is large enough to cover the stained area. Take care never to let the iron touch the carpet as the fibre may melt. Change towel or rotate to clean area and repeat until all area is absorbed.
H – Vacuum away as much as possible. Loosen remaining material by tapping with a scrubbing brush or toothbrush. Tap with brush, do not scrub. Vacuum again.
I – Scrape of excess material. Lightly rub area with a fresh slice of white bread water.


Detergents: Mix 1 / 4 teaspoon clear, hand/dish washing detergent with 1 cup of warm water.

Hydrogen Peroxide: Mix 1 / 2 cup with 1 teaspoon ammonia.

Ammonia: undiluted, unscented, clear, household ammonia.

Dry Cleaning Fluid: Liquid, non-oily, non caustic

IMPORTANT – Some spillages despite early attention i.e. bleach, plant foods, hot tea,
hot coffee and fruit cordials may result in the permanent staining of the carpet.